Monday 5 September 2016


7th Form - Set Questions

1. Which is Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s most famous work?
The Social Contract

2. What do you call any change in velocity in the movement of an object?

3. Who was the ruler of Russia before the Russian Revolution?
Tsar Nicholas II

4. Which film made the actor Charles Chaplin famous?
The Tramp

5. Which movement was Martin Luther King Jr. a leader of?
The American Civil Rights Movement

6. Complete this phrase:
Even if the speed of light is constant, …..
Speed is relative to the observer.

7. Name one effect of the Wall Street Crash.
Many companies went out of business
Some people became homeless

8. Who was the drummer of “The Beatles”?
Ringo Starr

9. John Paul II is known for having opposed which kind of political regimes?
Totalitarian regimes

10.  Which is Neil Bohr’s greatest contribution to physics?
The atom model
An a atom is made up of a small nucleus, positively charged with orbiting electrons

11. What product was made in the Manhattan Project?
The atomic bomb.

12. It was a postwar artistic movement. It started in Berlin and was viewed as anti-art. Which movement is it?

13.  Where was Juan Manuel Fangio born?
Balcarce, Buenos Aires

14. What did the Berlin Wall separate?
Eastern /communist Berlin from Western Berlin

15. In which year was Germany officially reunited and the Berlin Wall pulled down?

16. Who was Earnest Hemingway and which awards did he receive?
He was an American author and journalist. He won a Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize in Literature.

17. Who was caught red-handed trying to blow up parliament in 1605?
Guy Fox

18. With five victories to date, what team had won the Fifa World Cup the most times?

19.  From what country does Lego come?

20. What term is used in tennis for 40-40?

21. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

22.  Which indoor sport is the most popular in the US?

23. Which of the following was a cubist: Matisse, Renoir, Monet, Picasso?

24. What year did the titanic sink?

25. Where was Roald Dahl  living and working by the outbreak of WW II ?

26. Which national flag features a big, red maple leaf?

27. According to official figures released in 2010, what country originated the most refugees during the previous 30 years?

28. What country was devastated by an earthquake in the Caribbean Sea in 2010?

29. At what temperature does water freeze?
0º C

30. How do scientists measure the magnitude of an earthquake?
Using the Richter scale

31. What historical event divides Ancient Times from the Middle Ages?
 The fall of the Western Roman Empire

32. What do we call the process of light bending as it passes from one one kind of matter to another?
Refraction, reflection, absorption

33. Who gave the famous speech “I have a dream”
 Martin Luther King Jr.

34. Name three areas for which Leonardo Da Vinci is known for.
Painting, sculpting, architecture, science, mathematics, engineering, 
anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany. 

35. Who is known as “The lady of the lamp”?
Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.
36. Who won the battle of Hastings?
Duke William of Normandy and the Norman Army. 

37. What was “Apartheid”?
It was the system of racial segregation in South Africa enforced through legislation from 1948 to 1994.

38. What was the Treaty of Versailles?
One of the peace treaties at the end of World War I.

39. Name the “Big Three” in Greek Philosophy.
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

40.  What Shakespeare play served as inspiration for the Disney movie “The Lion King”?

41. What was built to break the siege of Troy?
A wooden horse

42. What is the “Guernica”?
It’s an oil painting by Pablo Picasso showing the bombing of the town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.

43. What is known as “The Ides of March”?
The day of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC.
44. Which of the following events did NOT take place during the 20th Century?
The independence of India – 1st World War  - The Battle of Waterloo – D Day (Invasion of Normandy)

45. What is Brexit?
The withdrawal of the UK from the European Union.

46. What nationality is Usain Bolt?

47. What planet traditionally included in the Solar System was demoted to “dwarf planet” in 2006?

48. Where were the 1st Olympics held?
Olympia, Greece

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